New Smart LED Dimmer Module Design
- Our customer required a microcontroller hosted dual function LED dimmer for use with their flagship control system product
- The design required a custom microcontroller solution with USB interface and control of isolated dual LED dimmer circuits
- Integral provided a complete design specification and BOM for implementation
Existing Control System Product Review
- Our customer was having sporadic USB communication performance and relay failure issues
- Integral reviewed the control system design and observed the issues, recreating them in a lab environment
- After careful consideration of the issues, Integral was able to create a change order and instruction to greatly improve the product performance in the areas of concern
Locomotive Control System Design and Implementation
- We are presently working on conversion applications for SD40 and GP38 platforms to the latest battery/hydrogen control and propulsion technologies
- Integral is providing complete control system design and implementation services, including hardware application design, BOM creation and custom firmware generation
- Custom solutions and flexibility are the name of the game to meet the end users performance requirements; many times this means adapting in the field and providing hands-on tuning and testing services on site.